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Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery lays its foundation in 4 color energies and is a very valuable tool for getting to know yourself and others better. This allows you to improve your interactions and communication with others and connect more quickly. 

You basically discover why you react and behave the way you do, and also why others may react and behave differently. Through this insight, a form of tolerance and understanding for each other emerges, and each can decide to make small adjustments in your behavior and communication style, allowing you to deliberately work toward a win-win. 

Cynthia Janssens - Insights Discovery Licensed Practitioner since 2017

Your personal Insights Discovery profile

The Insights Discovery colors... Everyone has all 4 of them.

However, the degree to which you use the colors can be very different from one person to another. Therefore, your own color combination confirms that you are unique and shows which behavioral traits feel natural to you and which ones require more of an effort to display.


Wondering what your unique color combination looks like? 

Then be sure to give us a call so we can make an appointment to create your Personal Insights Discovery Profile and - if you wish - discuss it further.

Who are you in your work environment? What qualities do you put to most use here?What does your color combination look like when you think you won't be seen by others, when there is a hidden camera on you? Or when you are in a stressful situation?


Order your personal Insights Discovery profile now and find out!

Insights Discovery with your team

  • basic workshop: for everyone who wants to become familiar with the Insights colours and preferences, and how you can use these insights to improve your interactions, communication and relationships

       -> prior knowledge required: none


  • team workshop: is meant for teams that want to dive deeper into the dynamics and qualities of the team, and for teams that are not afraid to touch and discuss improvement area’s within the team in order to improve the team effectiveness and team cohesion

       -> prior knowledge required: basic workshop 


  • deep dive workshop: after a period of 6 months it may be useful to follow a deep dive workshop, which consists of a refresh of the basics, a follow-up of what went well/not well with regard to the use of Insights Discovery, and diving deeper in one or more specific topics

       -> this can be a deepening of the basic workshop as well as the team workshop

       -> prior knowledge required: basic workshop

Insights Discovery and leadership

  • leadership workshop: for leaders who want to learn and explore more about their own management style, and who are excited to explore other management styles and how they can learn from them, how they can learn to connect even better with their team members, and how to become an even better leader by using all the Insight colors, based on the 4 manifestations of leadership.

       -> based on the 4 manifestations of leadership 
       -> prior knowledge required: basic workshop


  • leadership workshop - the self-aware leader: this is a program for self-insight and leadership development based on a unique leadership profile, covering 8 dimensions of leadership skills. The goal is to understand the qualities and challenges of your unique leadership style, become more aware of blind spots and biases, recognize and appreciate how you come across to others, and discover your goals and core values and how to communicate them to your team members
    -> based on 8 dimensions of leadership skills
    -> prior knowledge required: basic workshop 

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